Miso paste is a wonder ingredient. It comes in various colours and flavours, ranging from light a
Miso paste is a wonder ingredient. It comes in various colours and flavours, ranging from light and sweet to dark and savoury. Miso is commonly used to make miso soup, a staple dish in Japan, as well as for marinating meats, flavouring sauces and dressings, and adding depth to a wide range of dishes; it can even be used deserts! Miso is known for its rich umami flavour and versatile use.
Miso comes in may forms, the most popular being Shiro (white miso), this is made from fermented soy beans. Aka (red miso) has the same ingredients as shiro miso, but is fermented longer. Awase miso is more than one kind of miso that have been blended. Saikyo is sweet rice miso. Hatcho miso is made with barley and Genmai miso has brown rice in it. There are hundreds of kinds of miso pastes, here are our favourites...