Horaiya, Koji Soy Sauce, 340ml
Horaiya honten shoyu koji 340ml
宝来屋本店 糀屋がつくった醤油こうじ 340ml
As seen on: James Martin's Saturday Morning.
Horaiya Honten Koji Shoyu is made by adding fermented rice malt (Koji) to artisan soy sauce and left to mature further for 12 months. A sweeter and thicker finish than regular shoyu (Soy Sauce) that complements tofu, sushi and sashimi. Try separating the koji rice grains and serving them on mackerel sashimi, amazing.
Currently used by many of our Michelin Starred Customers.
For over 100 years Horaiya Honten have been producing koji in Japan using a traditional process. Koji related products are Horiaya Hontens speciality. Koji is rice surrounded by koji mould and is the first step in traditional Japanese fermented food.
Other foods derived from koji include sake, miso and amazake. Koji is also used to pickle vegetables called Sagohachi.
- Ingredients: TBC
- Origin: Japan
- Size: 340ml
- Units Per Case: 6
- Packaging Material: Glass
- Manufacturer: Horaiya
- Cuisine: Japanese
Recipe Koji Soy Sauce with Tofu
Ingredients (1 Serving)
- 150g Tofu
- Soy Sauce Koji, 1/2 tbsp
- 1 Clove of Garlic
- 1 Spring Onion
- Oil for frying Garlic
- Peel the garlic and slice thinly.
- Warm the frying pan and add oil. Fry the garlic slices until golden
- Finely slice spring onions separate the white and green parts.
- Layer as follows on top of the tofu: Tofu, Koji Soy Sauce, White onion, Garlic, Green onion.
SKU : S0306