Hakutsuru, Amazake, 190ml
Hakutsuru, Amazake, 190ml
白鶴 甘酒 190ml
The sweetness of 'Horaiya Amazake' is all natural from koji fermentation.
Amazake is a traditional Japanese sweet, non-alcoholic drink made from fermented koji rice. Koji is a fungus that is used to ferment a variety of foods, including soy sauce, miso, and sake. In the case of amazake, the koji is used to break down the starches in the rice, resulting in a sweet and creamy drink.
To make amazake, cooked rice is mixed with koji rice and water, and left to ferment for several hours or overnight. During the fermentation process, the koji enzymes convert the rice starches into simple sugars, resulting in a sweet, thick liquid.
It is sometimes used as a natural sweetener in baked goods, smoothies, and other recipes. It can also be mixed with matcha powder or other flavourings to create a variety of drinks and desserts.
Amazake is a popular beverage in Japan, where it is often served hot in the winter and cold in the summer.
No alcohol content!
Keep out of direct sunlight and keep at room temperature.
Made in Japan.
SKU : S0246