Tokkuri Sake Flask 280ml
Tokkuri Sake Flask 280ml
徳利徳利 280ml
Premium ceramic sake flask with two navy blue stripes across the bottom of the flask.
A traditional Japanese flask used for serving and storing sake.
The flask has a long, narrow neck that is designed to pour the sake slowly and smoothly, allowing the drinker to savor the aroma and taste of the sake. The neck may also have a small lip to prevent the sake from spilling when pouring.
Typically used for serving cold sake, but it can also be used for warm sake. When serving warm sake, the flask should be preheated with hot water to keep the sake at the desired temperature.
These are the most commonplace sake flasks, being a feature of Japanese bars and restaurants around the globe. They were originally used for storing sake but have since evolved into warming and serving flasks. Like the sake cups they pair with, you can find tokkuri made from a variety of materials, including glass, metal, and ceramic.
It is a functional and stylish way to serve and store sake, and it adds a touch of elegance and authenticity to any sake-drinking experience.
Matching sake cup available here.
- Dimensions: Height 17cm, Width 5.5cm
- Capacity: 280ml
- Origin: Japan
- Material: Ceramic
SKU : T0213