Horaiya, Koji Soy Sauce, 340ml


Horaiya Honten Koji Soy Sauce, 340ml

This premium soy sauce offers a harmonious blend of traditional soy sauce and fermented rice malt (koji), resulting in a sweeter and thicker finish than regular shoyu. The 12-month maturation process enhances its rich umami flavour, making it an excellent complement to tofu, sushi, sashimi, and various other dishes. The presence of whole rice grains adds a unique texture and depth, setting it apart from standard soy sauces.

How to Use

Enhance your culinary creations by drizzling this soy sauce over fresh tofu, sushi, or sashimi to elevate their natural flavours. It also serves as a delightful marinade for grilled meats or vegetables, imparting a subtle sweetness and rich umami depth. Additionally, try separating the koji rice grains and serving them on mackerel sashimi for an exquisite taste experience.

About Horaiya Honten Co., LTD.

Established in 1906, Horaiya Honten Co., LTD. has been producing koji for over a century, preserving traditional methods to create authentic Japanese fermented products. Their dedication to quality has made them a trusted name in the industry, offering a range of products including amazake and miso.


Kōji shōyu


  • Ingredients: Soybeans, Wheat, Salt, Rice Koji
  • Lifestyle: TBC
  • Prefecture: Fukushima

SKU : S0306