Sushi Without the Seaweed!

June 23, 2016

This is one for the sushi beginner and the sushi veteran alike. The Turkey, Bacon and Avocado Soy Cone!

It's a tasty looking thing, isn't it! The difference with this hand-rolled sushi (called Temaki in Japanese) is that there is no nori (sushi seaweed sheets). Instead, we have cunning used something called a soy wrapper. They are made by the same people who make our nori sheets, YamaMotoYama but are made out of soy! Each pack of Soy Wrappers you get 2 of each colour:

  • Tumeric Yellow
  • Sesame White
  • Paprika Orange
  • Original (cream coloured)
  • Spinach Green

In our recipe, we've used one of the spinach green sheet sheets. Here's the recipe:

Ingredients (makes 1 cone)

  • 1 x Spinach Green YamaMotoYama Soy Wrapper
  • 1 x small squirt of QP Mayo
  • 50g sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil
  • 25g sliced turkey breast (good quality)
  • 25g sliced avocado
  • 1/2 rasher of steaky bacon sliced into small pieces
  • 25g cucumber sliced into sticks
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a small dish, mix in the chopped sun-dried tomatoes with the Japanese Mayonnaise. Season as required.
  2. Roll the Spinach Green Soy Wrapper into a cone shape by bringing the bottom corner to the top centre then rolling until an empty cone shape is achieved. This takes a bit of practice but you'll pick it up after a few tries
  3. Fill the roll with the Turkey, cucumber, avocado and bacon.
  4. Top with the sun-dried tomato-mayo mix.
  5. Use a Strip of the paprika orange soy wrapper to make a band around the base.
  6. Place your finished soy cone in a tamaki stand (which are coincidentally on sale!!!) and repeat to make as many as you need!

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